Saturday, July 12, 2014

Building the foundations!

The windmill project continues! The original estimate of approximately 200 feet was way off. We had to use the water drilling unit to go down to 106m. Well over 300 feet! We continued mixing cement, for the foundations of the water storage tank. I wish I could post the appropriate pictures but I haven't taken my phone to the construction site. Try and imagine there are four 1m square foundations surrounding the well. Then we dug a trench 80cm deep and 25 cm wide. Lots of work with pick axes. The ground is hard because it is so dry. And the vegetation just clings barely to life. The difference between the compound with it's well and drip irrigation and the dry, dead foliage of the village. Finally there is the foundation for the water tank that is about 2m by 4m. The villagers are working with us and the work gets done fast. I find the food that we have for lunch simple and delicious. The Africans only have one meal a day and so they take a very large serving, the servers tried to give the same anount to us (who are eating three meals a day) and were surprised when we asked for half the amount. Hard work builds character! We are currently preparing music for mass tomorrow. 