Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Windmill construction time!

Sorry for the delay in posting to the blog, the internet has been out of whack the last couple of days. We finally began the construction of our windmill. the village that we are at is called Nala. There are perhaps 500 children and 300 adults in the village. The children chased after our truck as we approached the well site. We began by digging four foundation holes, about one meter deep. Then we carried 50kg bags of cement and mixed it with a little sand and water we then filled the foundation holes with cement and rocks. We left for the night to give the cement a chance to set a bit.
We have decorated the fins for the windmill, with Canadian flags and wheat sheafs to represent Saskatchewan. If I may say so the maple leaves turned out especially well.
We are all alive and generally healthy, speaking for myself I tried a local hot sauce and it cleaned me out. We've had the odd scrape, bump, cut, or bruise.

People here are nuts about soccer and the One World Futbols are really popular.  The food is great. I particularly enjoy it, although I did travel with some picky eaters.

We've delivered several sacks of cornmeal and rice to orphanages and schools. These have been gratefully received. And the hospitality from the locals is inspiring. Christ is a central part of their lives.

I wish I knew Swahili better, you can pick up a bit from the tone and intention but it would be really nice to know more. Pray for us.